Learn About Our Multimodal Approach to Reverse Thinning Hair

The average adult has about 100,000 hair follicles on their scalp. At any given time, roughly 90% of these follicles are nourishing growing shafts of hair, and the remaining 10% are either resting or shedding old shafts of hair.
Hair loss occurs when genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, immune system dysfunction, damaging hair care products, or something else causes your follicles to continually shed more than the normal amount of hair for a prolonged period of time.
At Mountain West Medical Services in Meridian, Idaho, we take an individualized, multimodal approach to hair loss that aims to stop the process in its tracks, revitalize dormant follicles, and reverse thinning hair for good — no matter how severe your hair loss problem happens to be.
Understanding hair loss
Whether you find them on your pillow, in the shower drain, or between the bristles of your hairbrush, you can expect to shed 50-100 hairs each day as part of the normal hair growth cycle.
Although excessive hair shedding (losing more than 100 hairs per day) is a common side effect of chronic tension, significant weight loss, illness recovery, and postpartum hormonal changes, stress-induced shedding is usually a temporary problem that resolves itself in a few months.
Hair loss, on the other hand, is set in motion when the ratio of active to inactive hair follicles is out of balance, causing you to shed hair more quickly than your follicles can replace it.
Although hair loss can be a symptom of a thyroid problem, a hormonal imbalance, a chronic illness, an autoimmune disorder, or a severe nutritional deficiency, most cases are driven by genetic factors, or family history.
Treatment solutions for hair loss
Hair loss is an exceedingly common problem that affects millions of adults in the United States. While men are more likely to develop bald patches or receding hairlines, while women are more likely to experience thinning hair. Female-pattern hair loss often emerges as decreased volume and a noticeable widening of the mid-line part.
Given that hair loss is a widespread, equal-opportunity problem, it makes sense that there’s a broad range of available treatment options. Finding the solution (or combination of solutions) is often all it takes to bridge the gap between fragile, thinning hair and a full head of healthy hair.
Dr. John K. McRae takes an individualized, multimodal approach to hair loss designed to ensure your treatment plan is as efficient and effective as possible. He uses a three-tier system to halt hair loss and restore fuller locks:
Tier one
For men and women who are in the early stages of hair loss, simple solutions are often all it takes to effectively reverse the process. Tier-one treatment strategies aim to address any underlying medical conditions, stop hair loss, fortify your follicles, and promote hair regrowth.
If a thyroid problem or nutritional deficiency is making your hair thinner, the right treatment or supplement may be all it takes to put an end to the problem. Lifestyle changes, a healthy diet, gentler hair care techniques, and medication (oral or topical) can help stimulate hair regrowth.
Tier two
When hair loss has progressed far enough to cause brittle hair and noticeable thinning that’s difficult to hide, your treatment plan is more likely to combine targeted tier-one solutions with more advanced tier-two techniques.
Tier-two hair loss treatments, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) injections, and microneedling, harness the power of healing growth factors to revitalize your scalp, rejuvenate dormant hair follicles, activate hair regrowth, and promote thick, healthy shafts of hair.
Tier three
Tier-one and tier-two treatments can revive and restore weak or dormant follicles, but they’re ineffective on follicles that are no longer viable. For men and women living with advanced hair loss caused by lifeless follicles, tier-three hair restoration is often the best way to achieve a full head of hair.
To transplant healthy hair follicles from the back of your head to thinning areas, Dr. John uses NeoGraft®, a minimally invasive hair transplant method that relies on an advanced harvesting technique known as follicular unit extraction (FUE) to gently collect individual hair follicles one by one, without having to make any incisions or remove a section of your scalp.
After your newly transplanted follicles go through a normal shedding cycle, you can expect to experience healthy hair regrowth that’s just as robust as it was before.
From hair loss to healthy hair
Here at Mountain West Medical Services, we know that hair loss is a highly individual medical condition that requires a fully personalized solution.
If you’re ready to find solutions that turn your hair loss problem into a healthy head of hair, we can help. Call our office in Meridian, Idaho, today, or click the online booking tool to schedule a visit.
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